For years now, North Korea has done everything it can to stand defiant of the UN, defiant of the United States, and defiant of the rest of the world when it comes to nuclear proliferation. It has been a long known fact that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is not supposed to have nuclear weapons, as outlined by their acceptance of the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty. Their disobedience with the policies outlined in the agreement and their withdrawing from said agreement in 2003 leaves them in a precarious place in the world. Now I read that they are potentially threatening to launch missiles toward Hawaii? My views on the state aside, I am left with one response to this, "Really North Korea?!? Really?!?"
They have been defiant with the rest of the world for half a decade now, trying to play with the big boys of the world when they are little more than a wannabe. If they want to play, and go through with this launching of a missile in the direction of Hawaii, then let us play with them. No, I'm not saying go to war with North Korea or even use nuclear weapons against North Korea, what I would be calling for is a limited strike against them. Talks have been attempted time and time again, the moment for action is now. To launch a missile at Hawaii is an act of war and should not be tolerated by our current administration, especially given the history of the situation.
Only time will tell what the leaders in North Korea will do as far as testing and using their nuclear weapons. The aftermath of such an event will hopefully be well planned and implemented so as to not leave the Earth or our military in shambles. Though I am against opening a third military conflict, I do remember the way the last attack on Hawaii was received and responded. I would expect no less than a military response to another attack. Hopefully, for all of our futures, this is nothing more than a bluff on the part of North Korea.
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